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Teaching Experience

June 2023 - Present

Writing Group Leader

  • Founded a free and open community writing hour through the Writers & Books nonprofit in Rochester, NY.

  • Weekly, I organize a group of local individuals and writers—from five to fifteen—through discussions meant to build community, a new prompt every week, and creating a supportive environment for both established and emerging writers to share their work.

Jan. 2023 to Feb. 2023

Teaching Artist, Just Buffalo Literary Center

  • Co-taught a six week summer enrichment program exploring various writing genres, from creative nonfiction (narrative) to the graphic novel and podcasts. Collected finalized pieces into a printed anthology to distribute amongst students, staff, and school.

  • Assisted a middle school English teacher in her House on Mango Street lesson plan by introducing students to creative writing prompts and holding a weekly workshop. I walked students through process, revision, and peer review by visiting the class two times a week for three weeks.

  • Writing was collected and turned into an anthology at the end of February for students to celebrate the work they did.

Aug. 2022 — Now

Adjunct Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) University Writing Program

  • Will be teaching two creative writing courses in the fall that explore poetry, fiction, and nonfiction through a workshop-based classroom environment. Students will be curious and experimental, only required to perfect one piece so that they can honestly engage with creativity throughout the course.

  • Taught two first year writing courses through the University Writing Program using food media and food-related writing to educate students on the necessary analytical and structural skills needed to be successful writers in college.

  • Organized course to be in accordance with university’s five writing thresholds: Writing is a knowledge-making activity; writing is a social, rhetorical activity (a "conversation"); writing addresses social situations through recognizable forms called genres; language and literacy cannot be separated from identity; dynamic revision is central to developing writing.

 Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2021

Teaching Assistant, College and Expository Writing Program at Purchase College

  • Hosted individual office hours with each student where I answered questions they had about information covered in class, and listened to how their schoolwork had been going.

  • Led two thirty-minute lessons for a college writing course, including one on transitions in which I guided students through an undergraduate paper of my own and had them identify where the transitions were, as well as what they were doing.

  • Graded student papers and developed rough drafts with students during one-on-one conferences for a personal essay, an argumentative essay, and a research paper.

 July 25, 2021

Workshop Instructor, Sarah Lawrence College

  • Taught an original three hour workshop to nontraditional students on creative nonfiction writing.

  • Guided students through literary analysis on various forms of endings, and then directed them through writing exercises using what we learned as inspiration.

  • Adapted lesson as prompted to better meet the needs of students given their engagement style.

  • Informed by at least two students that the workshop resulted in a successful new ending to pieces they had long been revising and/or stuck on.

 Dec. 2020 - Mar. 2021

Long Term English Substitute, Victor Central Junior High School

  • Developed weekly lesson plans alongside other eighth grade English teachers.

  • Crafted individual writing prompts for students that related to the themes presented in the current novel they were reading, Refugees by Alan Gratz.

  • Taught eight groups of English 8 classes over a two week period, which included leading students through warm-ups and answering questions that arose from the assigned text. But, most importantly, I stepped into an already existent classroom environment and found a way to develop trust between myself and the students. One of such students went so far as to send an email to the school’s Vice Principal praising my efforts as substitute and insisting I was the best she had learned from in a while.

Instagram: @Jess_Pavia
©2023 by Jessica Pavia.

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